What is RSS Fusion?

RSS Fusion is an online service designed to simplify your information monitoring. By combining multiple RSS feeds into one, you can easily follow the news that interests you. Whether you're passionate about specific topics or want to centralize your information sources, RSS Fusion offers a simple and effective solution to manage your RSS feeds, filter content, and customize your reading experience.


Capture écran de l'interface du dashboard de RSS Fusion



Key features

  • Feed Merging: Add all your favorite RSS feeds in just a few clicks.
  • Custom Filters: Refine your monitoring with keywords.
  • OPML Import: Import your RSS feeds from other applications supporting this format.
  • Intuitive Interface: Enjoy smooth and pleasant navigation.


Capture écran de la page de paramétrage du flux généré



Why choose RSS Fusion?

By using RSS Fusion, you increase your productivity. Centralize your information sources and focus on the content that matters.


Capture écran de la page de paramétrage d'un flux à traiter



User testimonials

Fausse capture écran d'une citation fictive de Marie Curie concernant RSS Fusion

Fausse capture écran d'une citation fictive d'Albert Camus concernant RSS Fusion



Ready to try RSS Fusion?

Sign up today and discover the power of centralized RSS feed management!


Sign up


You also have the option to deploy a Docker instance of RSS Fusion on your own environment.


Docker Version of RSS Fusion